VBA Replace Function


The Excel VBA Replace function searches for a substring within a string and replaces occurrences of the substring with a second substring.

The syntax of the function is:

Replace( Expression, Find, Replace, [Start], [Count], [Compare] )

Where the function arguments are:

Expression - The string that you want to search.
Find - The substring that you want to find (that is to be replaced).
Replace - The substring that you want to replace the Find substring with.
[Start] -

An optional integer argument, representing the position within the supplied Expression that the returned string should start at.

If omitted, the [Start] argument takes on the default value of 1.

[Count] -

The number of occurrences of the Find substring that you want to replace.

If omitted, the [Count] argument takes on the default value of -1, meaning that all occurrences of the Find substring should be replaced.

[Compare] -

An optional argument, specifying the type of comparison to make when evaluating the substrings.

This can be any of the following values:

vbBinaryCompare - performs a binary comparison
vbTextCompare - performs a text comparison
vbDatabaseCompare - performs a database comparison
If omitted, the [Compare] argument takes on the default value vbBinaryCompare.

VBA Replace Function Examples

Example 1

' Replace all occurrences of the name "John" with "Bill".
Dim oldStr As String
Dim newStr As String
oldStr = "It is John's Birthday today. Happy Birthday John!"
newStr = Replace( oldStr, "John", "Bill" )
' Now, the variable newStr = "It is Bill's Birthday today. Happy Birthday Bill!".

In the above example, the VBA Replace function returns the string "It is Bill's Birthday today. Happy Birthday Bill!".

Note that:

Example 2

' Starting from position 30 of the supplied expression, replace
' all occurrences of the substring "John" with the substring "Bill".
Dim oldStr As String
Dim newStr As String
oldStr = "It is John's Birthday today. Happy Birthday John!"
newStr = Replace( oldStr, "John", "Bill", 30 )
' The variable newStr now equals "Happy Birthday Bill!".

In the above example, the VBA Replace function returns the string "Happy Birthday Bill!".

Note that the supplied [Start] argument is equal to 30 and so the returned text string starts at position 30 of the orginal Expression.

Example 3

' Replace the first two occurrences of the substring "5" with the substring "4".
Dim oldStr As String
Dim newStr As String
oldStr = "We have 5 oranges, 5 apples and 5 bananas"
newStr = Replace( oldStr, "5", "4", , 2 )
' Now, the variable newStr = "We have 4 oranges, 4 apples and 5 bananas".

In the above example, the VBA Replace function returns the string "We have 4 oranges, 4 apples and 5 bananas".

Note that:

Example 4

' Remove all occurrences of the substring "5 ".
Dim oldStr As String
Dim newStr As String
oldStr = "We have 5 oranges, 5 apples and 5 bananas"
newStr = Replace( oldStr, "5 ", "" )
' Now, the variable newStr = "We have oranges, apples and bananas".

In the above example, the VBA Replace function returns the string "We have oranges, apples and bananas".

In this example, the substring "5 " has been replaced with an empty string "". This has the effect of simply removing all occurrences of the substring "5 ".