The Excel GAMMALN.PRECISE Function

Related Functions:

Function Description

The Excel Gammaln.Precise function returns the natural logarithm of the Gamma Function, Γ(n).

The function is new in Excel 2010 and so is not available in earlier versions of Excel. However, the Gammaln.Precise function is simply an updated version of the Gammaln function, which is available in earlier versions of Excel.

The syntax of the Gammaln.Precise function is:


where x is the positive numeric value, at which you want to evaluate the function.

Gammaln.Precise Function Example

Chart of the Natural Logarithm of the Gamma Function
Natural Logarithm of the Gamma Function

The above chart on the right shows the natural logarithm of the Gamma Function, Γ(n), for values of x between 0 and 10.

If you want to calculate the value of this function at x = 4.5, the Excel Gammaln.Precise function can be used to do this, as shown below:


This gives the result 2.453736571.

For further details and examples of the Excel Gammaln.Precise function, see the Microsoft Office website.

Gammaln.Precise Function Errors

If you get an error from the Excel Gammaln.Precise function this is likely to be one of the following:

Common Errors
#NUM! - Occurs if the supplied value of x is ≤ 0.
#VALUE! - Occurs if the supplied value of x is non-numeric.