Convert Excel To PDF

Sometimes, it may be useful to convert Excel files to PDF ("Portable Document Format"). PDF files present a read-only version of your spreadsheet to others, thereby preserving the document's formatting and preventing the document from being easily altered.

Also, individuals who don't have Excel installed on their computer can read PDF files, although they will need the Adobe Reader software, which can be downloaded for free from the Adobe website.

Save to PDF in Current Versions of Excel (Excel 2013 and Later):

In current versions of Excel, you can save your Excel spreadsheet to a PDF file using the 'Export' command, as follows:

Save to PDF in Excel 2010:

In Excel 2010, you can save your Excel spreadsheet to a PDF file using the 'Save As' menu:

Save to PDF in Excel 2007

Excel 2007 Save As Menu

If you have Excel 2007 and you want to save your Excel to a PDF file, you may need to download an add-in (a program that interacts with Excel) to do this. Microsoft provide a free add-in for this purpose, which can be downloaded from the Microsoft Download Center.

Once the add-in is installed, this runs whenever you start up Excel. You can then save an Excel file as a PDF document as follows:

You should be aware that to reverse this process (i.e. convert PDF to Excel) is much more difficult than converting Excel to PDF. However, converting to PDF does not delete your original spreadsheet so you will not lose your original editable version of the file.